The Three Hats Every Entrepreneur Must Wear to Unlock Their Full Potential
Do you want to build a business that impacts millions? Effective business growth strategies come by hard these days in the noisy plethora of the wide web. I believe every one of us has the power within to create an iconic company. But it ALL starts with you—the founder, the visionary, employee #1.
You are the beating heart of your startup. To build a thriving business that uplifts people’s lives, you must wear three hats AND be able to switch them ON-DEMAND. These aren’t your average baseball caps. I’m talking about mindsets that activate your creativity, leadership, and drive as an entrepreneur.
First, put on the Artist’s Beret. This is where you dream big. 80% of founders are primarily wearing this hat; which is why they experience so many issues with scaling and generating sales/managing the business. Envision your company as a living, breathing masterpiece. Channel your inner Picasso! Thats the creator/artist hat. Its what gets you excited. Knowing you have something special to offer that others haven't thought about! What ingenuity can you bring to your industry? Every thriving business fills a need with an innovative solution. Sketch out those ideas now on paper.
Next comes the Manager’s Visor. Yeah, it may sound boring. But advancement depends on organization. The visor represents systematizing those sparks of genius into processes both you and your team can follow. Streamline operations through decisive delegation. Clarity brings efficiency. Every enterprise thrives on systems that guide everyone on day to day operations. This is the most important job of a manager. At scale, the top managers are C.O.Os.

Last but not least, grab the Entrepreneur’s Top Hat. This high-roller headpiece amplifies your risk-taking capabilities. Daring ideas call for courage in the face of uncertainty. But taking bold action leads to outsized rewards. The bridge between your ideal avatar's NEEDs and how your service/product fills that gap are considered the entrepreneurial art. What “impossible” goal will you chase this quarter that will skyrocket growth? This is a constant question asked by anyone wearing the entrepreneurial hat. This job is mostly handled in structured enterprises by seasoned C.E.Os.
Juggling these mindsets is challenging yet exhilarating. As employee #1, you make a million micro-decisions daily. Nobody else will come to assist you or could even understand your vision/mission like you do. But separating these core hats reduces the mental clutter. When you’re ideating, be the unbounded Artist. When you’re building systems, be the laser-focused Manager. And when opportunity knocks, slam on that Entrepreneur’s Top Hat and go ALL IN!
I’ve coached thousands of leaders on how mastering these roles can unlock their potential. But YOU have to take ownership. Try this 3-step exercise I teach elite founders:
1. Identify your unique genius as the Artist —what’s YOUR billion-dollar idea? Whats your "it" factor?
2. Construct your execution plan as the Manager—who can you delegate tasks to today?
3. Set an outrageous company goal as the Entrepreneur—what “impossible” milestone will you achieve this year?
By flexing these three mental muscles daily, you WILL amplify your natural talents as a founder. And remember, true success means lifting others up. The greatest leaders solve humanity’s needs through business.
Which Hat is your POWER hat? This is the one you wear the most!
I know you have that game-changing mindset within you. Stop overthinking it! Put on your three hats and take ACTION. You’ve got this!
Remember, having professional results coaches and strategic consultants will bring your game to the NEXT level while saving you so much time & money that it'd otherwise take to get you there on your own; significantly. Feel free to see what we can offer to help with your business and personal growth and save time/money with trial and errors!
Now get out there, live with passion and purpose, and make a REAL difference! In the Next blog post we will go over and highlight the importance of having an AIM planner. This will save you so much time, grief, energy and money by keeping you on track and on point.